Hello SPNers and welcome to another week of me blabbering about Show while mildly inebriated!
Before we get started, some business - pimp business, that is. The wonderful
morganoconner is starting a challenge! What kind of challenge, you ask? A SPACE CHALLENGE! That’s right, you heard me, SPN IN SPAAAAAAAAACCE!
zuben_eschamali and I are totally not writing for it, and I’ve totally not already started in on one of several plotbunnies I’ve been mulling over for it and you should totally come not have some fun with us (fic, vid, art, icons, podfic, mixes - it’s all welcome!)
spn-in-space |
Rules & Schedule |
Sign-Ups Because in space, no one can hear Jensen scream Jared’s name. Except for Security Chief Misha who’s watching it on the starship’s video link. Oh yeah.
Did I mention the mildly inebriated part? Yeah…
Anyway! On to the show! \o/
So, I’m still debating what I think about how they left last week’s ep. Not the part where Sam walked away, because I get that impulse and I think Sam’s earned it, considering the situation, but the part where they immediately showed the preview for this week and killed any dramatic tension about whether Sam was really going to stay away. I mean, we all knew he wouldn’t, it’s SPN, but they could have played it up a little more. Maybe that’s just me. Oh well.
”I feel something!” That’s a breeze. You’re welcome.
Ooh, death by Ouija board arrow-thing. Painful and Ironic.
Aw, Dean’s waiting by the phone for Sam’s call. We’ve all been there, man. Eat some cookie dough straight out of the tube - it’ll make you feel better.
Suit Kink. Suit kink suit kink suit kink. *drool* What, you were expecting coherent plot analysis? No, no you weren’t. Don’t lie to me. Suit kink
Aw, Dean’s making jokes to no one. That’s… way sadder than it should be.
Anybody else want Dean to punch the locavore vegan douche? I really thought it was going to happen there for a second.
Sam!! Yay! Sam in a suit! Double yay with yay on the side!
Locavore vegan douche like Dean though. I saw those ‘fuck me’ eyes, vegan dude. I am watching you, mister. Hands where I can see them!
Hey! References to past seasons! Pam and Missouri! And past episodes! Not ignoring cannon even though that most wanted men thing got swept under the rug really fast! Yay everywhere!!! *pets quality writing*
LOL! Spoon bending. Are we going to mention the fact that Sam used to be psychic at some point? Maybe? Because, you know, that would be nice and stuff. My fangirl parts would be happy.
“Long time partners, lots of tension.” The subtext is text. Also? Psychic chick? I’m kinda ok with her. You know, as long as she doesn’t screw with my Wincest.
So, is everyone in this town kinda sorta hitting on the boys or are my fan-goggles on too tight? Maybe it’s just all the touching.
Oh, death by spoon might be worse than death by Ouija thingie (what the hell is that thing called?). Is it wrong that I’m kind of enjoying this return to seasons past with the bizarre deaths and unnecessary gore?
LOL! Dean is Agent Bourne. I could totally buy that. Know what else I could buy? A porno with Sam and Dean in it. Obvious non-sequitur \o/
OK, if these people are really having visions of their deaths, why the fuck are they going ahead and doing all the stuff from their visions anyway? ‘Cause, if I saw myself getting stabbed to death by cutlery on my own coffeetable, I might not SIT DOWN AND SPREAD OUT A WHOLE BAG OF CUTLERY ON MY COFFEETABLE! Just sayin’.
Ooooo, wait, Lilith eyes! Were those Lilith eyes or did they just run out of eye effects???
“You know, I swear I’ve seen her.” Is it because she looks a hell of a lot like you and you’re probably secretly her descendant? Alternatively, she’s the whole reason the town became a psychic hub in the first place?
Campbells!!! Oh, never mind. Not Campbells. Oh! Gay not-brothers!!! I love you SPN. You give me so many things.
ELLEN!!!! You are the best not-mom! Even without being here, you’re freaking awesome!
Ok, seriously, can we just take a moment here. How many times has a ghost ever stopped to chat when you’re standing over their body about to burn them? You don’t think maybe that might be worth dealing with? Oh, boys. So now you know it’s totally the sister who’s killing people. Sigh. Did we learn nothing from the Supernatural convention episode?
Aaaaaand I’m right. Sigh. Boys. Writers. Somebody. C’mon.
“Is there anything that stood out?” Aside from the ghost murdering my friend? No, other than that pretty much a normal night for me.
Ok, the ghost on a leash thing is at least mixing things up a little. A few shades of the first Reaper episode, but ok.
Am I supposed to be surprised that the hot chick is going to be in peril? Really? Because that seemed kind of like where we were going from page one. Honestly, that doesn’t even bug me, just like, don’t patronize me, you know?
It’s the pawnshop guy. That’s my bet. The end.
BWAHAHA! Lamaze class! Ok, that was worth the runaround. That was fun.
Goddamnit, Sam. You are way too well trained to always let civies get the drop on you. Also, you have the skull in your hand - couldn’t you just smash it or something? Does it not work that way? I might try anyway. Yay! Good job getting the gun back! Way to go, Sammy!
Um, ok, so there’s a little bit of a D/s vibe with pawnshop guy and ghost lady. That’s kind of creepy.
“Where are the rest of the bones?” Please don’t say the bed. Please. Please? Because I’ve been writing ghost porn all week and it’s not sure I want that association. “They’re in the bedroom aren’t they?” Yes. They so are. Ew.
Woah. Sam just shot a dude. Like straight up shot him. What just happened?
Bones in the bed. Still ew.
And, OMG, Sam! How so badass? I don’t know whether to be impressed, turned on or concerned for you. I’m going with all three.
“In the bed. They were in the bed?” THANK YOU! That’s what I’m saying. And for making the boning joke. I love you Dean. *nuzzles inappropriately*
“I wish I had better weeks.” Oh, my heart. Writers, you just redeemed yourselves for all of the other retread writing this episode. Yes, I’m easy.
SAM AND DEAN! SAM AND DEAN! AND WE MENTIONED CAS! AND THE LYING DOESN’T FEEL RIGHT! AND ALL THE THINGS!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS SHOW! *flail* I particularly loved the part where Sam slammed Dean up against the car, told him he loved him and they made out like teenagers. That was hot. SHUT UP IT TOTALLY HAPPENED! *fingers in ears* LALALALALALA!
PREVIEW: … What? WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so this is what? An ‘in Sam’s head’ episode? Or, or some sort of female monster who has Sam under a spell (hey, I just read a fic like that! That was cool!) or, or something. Because I cannot honestly be meant to believe that Sam is legit getting married, right? Right. *nods* Glad we’re clear on that.
Ok, so to review - I feel like I shouldn’t have liked this episode as much as I feel like I did. Nothing particularly special happened, the plot was kind of a retread of at least two previous eps and we had an entire episode about psychics that completely failed to mention the fact that for the first two seasons of the show, SAM WAS A PSYCHIC! And yet, it also gave me exactly the moments I wanted with Sam and Dean (including the making out lalalalalala) and there was something about the whole thing that reminded me of early seasons of the show which made me really happy in my special places. My heart. I meant my heart. Get your mind out of the gutter, perverts.
So yeah, that’s kind of where I’m at right now. How about you guys? Thoughts? Feelings? Thoughts and feelings? Flails of flail?