[Over the phone, an impatient German-accented voice begins speaking.]
Is zhis vorking? Zhe phones never vork-- Oh vait, I hear ringing.
Ja, hello? I'm in zhe middle of somezhing very important, so I shall make zhis short. Short und sveet. If you tell me vhere I am, how I came to be here, und how I may leave....
I von't murder zhe voman und
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Do you need to hear zhat again?
"Wait? What the ☠☠☠☠ is wrong with you buddy?
Honestly, you see a bunch of innocent people and the first thought is 'if I kill them I'll get what I want'? Seriously?
☠☠☠☠ you.
You want information? This town doesn't care what you do to them. They'll make it worse for you anyways. You're kidnapped just like us."
If you have nozhing helpful to say, zhen hang up. I have better zhings to do zhan speak wizh you.
Oh yeah, you don't stay dead here. All you do is piss people off and honestly I'd love to have a reason to make someone's life a living hell.
So, lets start from the top. You are kidnapped and trapped, and the ones in charge love torture."
"Don't stay dead"?
Vell... Pain is not a nightmare to everyvun.
You say zhose in charge love torture?
So do I.
Another rule, this ones mine. Killing people doesn't stop them but if I kick in your teeth enough times you might get the hint. ☠☠☠☠ with people in this town and I will find you."
By all means, come find me. I von't hide.
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