Aug 19, 2006 10:53
Two incredible things happened yesterday.
Snakes on a Plane. I got to go and see it. What was odd was that they were carding people to go and see it, which they rarely do for rated R movies. I managed to get by because the guy was like, "Meh, you're old enough.". He looked like this goofy looking kid I went to elementary school with. Back then I hoped he REALLY grew out of that goofy look, otherwise people were going to give him shit forever. If that was him, he didn't. Jesus.
Second thing.
I can officially call myself a teacher or a Mentor. Mwuaha!
I'm gonna be teaching my friend, Erik, to play the guitar. He'll be coming over every now and then and I'll show him some stuff and let him practice with my guitars and stuff until he can get one of his own. He's gonna get an acoustic because it's not as hard to deal with sometimes. Once he gets his own I'll still be showin him some stuff and also eventually get to play some songs that we can both play.
It was so amazing to like, be able to show someone and talk with someone about something I really enjoy and like, be able to share what I know with someone else. I feel sympathy for him, though, because his fingers are gonna hurt like a motherfucker.