Yes, this is another annoying friends-only journal. If you leave a comment, I will consider adding you. You will not be added if you are related to me, no exceptions. Also, I'll only partially add you if you go to HB-- there's no reason for my angsty teen emoness to be broadcasted in that community to any extreme. If I don't know you or at least know of you, you probably won't be added either.
Anyways, I am Margaret, and you might know me from...
02.2- Chestertown, Model UN
03.2- JHU, Foundations of Psychology
04.1- Lancaster, Ancient Greek
05.1- Lancaster, Crafting the Essay C
06.2- Carlisle, Existentialism B
NYLC 2006 session 1
Old Turnpike School (2000-2004)
Voorhees High School (2004-2005)
Hathaway Brown (2005- now)
I look like this, only generally less confused: