[Up on the roof of the hospital, sitting on the edge looking out across the city sits one Kyou Sohma. Those who know him well would know just where to find him. When upset he tends to find the tallest point of whatever building he's in and camp out there for long periods of time. He's been here for probably the last day or so. Once he finally couldn't stand staying in the room just waiting for Tohru to come back City!Dead.]
Has it ever just not worked like this before?
I've been here over a year and maybe I just didn't pay attention to how this worked enough. It didn't ever matter to me since I had no need for it. She shouldn't be gone this long. This is something different than normal. What's going on is so different from normal that I worry maybe they are changing their rules.
If I ever find out who did this...
[ooc: Naturally waiting for Tohru to wake up, or reawaken, or however he thinks he's going to have to deal with it. Just as long as she's there he doesn't care much.Super Emo though guys =/ Feel free to poke with stick?]