Jun 19, 2007 00:51
LiveJournal just ate the post I've been typing for about an hour. I used to get pissed, but now I'm just used to it. NEVER NEVER NEVER say to yourself, I'll just go edit one last thing, and then I'll post this. It never works out. I will never learn. Stupidhead LiveJournal. Autosaved, my ass. Liar.
My last day of school with students was June 1st. During our two days of post-planning, my Principal went out of her way to recognize the contributions of the faculty. Awards were given. Some were serious, and some were silly, but many individuals were mentioned. My award was for "Most Likely to Inspire Others." Perfect attendance awards were given out, my partner Nello did a skit of an embarrassing teaching moment. Fun was had. Then, the Bookkeeper won a big award and her family was invited. For the last award for Teacher of the Year, there was a PPT or MM presentation of the three finalists, complete with music, pictures, and kids saying why their teacher should win. My friend Kelli won, and then her whole family joined her. Touching. There was nary a dry eye. At the end, the boss handed out bricks left over from the building of our school, complete with a plaque that said "Building a Tradition of Excellence." We had catered lunch and went home early. It was nearly a perfect day. Words can't really express how grateful I am to be working where I am. The closest I can come to it is this: I am home.
I have scrapped some. I went to a CM crop for the first time in years. Sara went with me. I think I did about six pages there, and about six or eight pages at home.
I have been home for almost two weeks now. I have mainly been focused on getting my house in order. I mean that in a physical sense, but it also works for me on a metaphysical (or psychological) sense also. Chaos and disorder make me uncomfortable. Organization makes me calm. I don't know if it's a control thing or what, but there you have it. When school is in, I tend to let some things slide, and it piles up. So, I have to take some time in the summer to reorganize. To whit, phase one of the project was to clean out four closets, clean the garage, and have gather stuff for an impending yard sale. Now, I'm moving into phase two of the home improvement plan- painting and redecorating. We're almost done painting the scrap room. It's a lovely chocolate milk color now and I love it. My new bookshelf is assembled, and the new desk is in a box behind me. Life is good, and I will thoroughly enjoy reorganizing my scrappin' supplies in the new bins and baskets. I'd be doing it right now, but I can't move the gigantic bookshelf by myself. After the scrap room, the next project is the bedroom. It will have a beach theme. Paint has been purchased (light blue), the dresser is assembled, and the rest is in boxes (new headboard/footboard, end of bed box, really tall bookshelf, lamps, and bedside tables). So, yeah, I'm working my ass off with the home decorating and such.
What else??? I've read some, but I'll post on that some other time.
Jason has applied for a new position that's opened in his department. It may or may not effect our Disney trip plans in July, as that is primarily a work-related conference with a family trip tacked on. The new position would be a dream job for Jason, so keep your fingers crossed. I got him a cool new Airsoft gun for Father's Day. I hope he goes and plays with it some day soon. He works a lot and does not play enough.
The Dragon*Con YA Lit staff rocks my socks. They research, buy prizes with their own money, suggest panels, conduct panels, interview stars and authors, moderate panels, dj the Yule Ball at a moment's notice, design really professional looking websites. I could go on... Due to the staff, the schedule is almost done. I'm waiting on a few large room requests and some guest applications ( I think you'll be pleased...) and we're almost ready to rock and roll. As a side note, another Director stood up at a D*Con staff meeting and announced that he needed two staffers who could move chairs and fetch coffee. My staff is the opposite of that. My staff could kick his staff's ass.
Summer travel plans include a visit to Ohio. My cousin is pregnant, and my mom hasn't seen Eleanor since last summer. There will definitely be beer drinking, going to the beach, visiting with friends, and Cedar Point. Ohhhh yeaaaahhhh. We also plan on our Disney trip at the end of July.
Eleanor continues to astound me on a daily basis. She is a post unto herself.