(no subject)

Nov 21, 2010 16:06

If you're on twitter for any length of time you've probably noticed that @FOXBroadcasting rarely tweets about Lie to Me.
In fact excluding something they RTed the other day they hadn't mentioned it since October 18th. OCTOBER 18TH. This is really unacceptable as they tweet about all their other shows.

The plan:
Get FOX's attention.

TOMORROW some things can be done at any time, go do one now. Yup right now, I'll wait.
More specifically from 6pm pst to 10 pst (9pm est to 1am est)

  • Sign up for a time slot, during that time send tweets to @FOXBroadcasting every few minutes telling them how awesome #LietoMe is, how they should pick up the back 9 and how they should advertise it more.
  • If you're in the states, send a letter to FOX

Lie to Me
P.O. Box 900
Attn: FOX BROADCASTING Publicity Dept.
Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0900
  • Send an email or 12 to askfox@fox.com
  • Print a sign and put one in a front window of your house or back window of your car.
  • Open up FOX's LtM page and watch the full episodes, comment on the pictures and start up some discussion on the community message board.
  • Go to Spoiler TV's Lie to Me page and vote in any polls the show is in!
  • Remind your facebook friends ~20 minutes before the episode starts in your timezone! I can't tell you how many friends I've asked if they watched the show and they say they forgot what day it was on.

I'd like 5 or so people for every time slot. You can totally sign up for more than one slot if you're available. The idea is that during the time #LietoMe is on all FOX is going to hear about is #LietoMe. Yes I know this overlaps the show being on so please sign up for a time that is not when you're watching but feel free to "live tweet" during the episode to help us out.
This is not about trending, this is about getting FOX's attention.

Lie to Me fans are here, we're organized and we're not going away.

6pm pst (9pm est) - @Seriouslymary, @analiesa, @Shona_S (@marynotpmoc)

7pm pst (10pm est) - @holdmyheart, @SeriouslyMary, @LisaVS49, @analiesa, @ibbigibllibbin, @Shona_S

8pm pst (11pm est) - @holdmyheart, @cheshirecat512, @analiesa, @ibbigiblibbin, @Shona_S

9pm pst (12am est) - @holdmyheart, @cheshirecat512, @analiesa, @JohnShufelt, @Shona_S

10pm pst (1am est) - @analiesa, @DNAisUnique, @Shona_S, @kidder1969

show:lie to me

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