Reasons I Like September

Sep 04, 2009 20:49

1. My dad's birthday was Sep. 3. Happy Birthday, Dad, in heaven.

2. Our youngest son and his son have birthday's Sep. 9. Happy Birthday, Kelly and Shawn.

3. Sep. 10 is David's, our first born, birthday. Hey, little angel in heaven, Happy Birthday.

4. Just Breeze will be released later this month. I'm so excited.

5. The hummingbirds have begun their migration. I've been watching them this morning. Must buy more sugar cause they have tremendous appetites.

6. The weather is cooler.

7. Autumn is in the air.

8. Penny's interview and review of Caves, Cannons, and Crinolines (release date has been pushed back) will be on her blog Sep. 15 and 16.

9. I'll be on RRW Blog Talk Radio again, Sep. 21.

10. And ... drum roll please ... I've just sold my first picture book, Frankie's Perfect Home, to Guardian Angel Publishing. Woo Hoo! Life is good.

Now I must get busy with my WIP.

Have a great weekend.
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