Aug 11, 2010 05:38

After our lazy lunch at L'obe @ Crillon Hotel, we wandered over to the nearby Jardin du Tuileries since the weather was spot-on PERFECT. I think I may be in love with Paris' clear skies and sunny weather.. if only Shanghai was like this all year round!

We wandered around, then found some empty chairs (love how they put out heaps of chairs for people to lounge on) and relaxed there and fell asleep in the warm sun. We spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around some more around the touristy places. Just a very chill afternoon enjoying each other's company... and taking it easy before our MEGA anniversary dinner later at night :)

At the Jardin du Tuileries

Beautiful weather!

Lazing about on the chairs

Our view :)

A very relaxed pregnant lady, LOL

Walking towards the Louvre

Looking like a fairytale, doncha think?

The famous Louvre

Majestic against the fluffy white clouds

Heading towards Notre Dame

There's this little monument in Paris....

Tourist shot!

Very proud of this photo I took :P

holidays - france, anniversary

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