SYDNEY: the wedding!

Jan 16, 2010 22:32

So the reason for going to Australia was for rollagirl9's wedding. It's pretty amazing and fun to see our friends when they first got together, through their dating years, engagement, and then a wedding! Ahhhh. I love happy endings :)

In a moment of insanity, I agreed to be the emcee.... AND the wedding co-ordinator. Well, I was gonna be emcee ages ago, so I knew about that and was cool with it since I've got no problems getting up and yakking away. Then, shortly before the wedding, I was quizzing the bride on stuff that was gonna happen on the day, and it became apparent to me that she was in NEED of a co-ordinator, to ensure everyone and everything was in place, and someone that could handle unforeseen circumstances and changed programs/timings - because let's face it, crazy things happen at every wedding!

So with the knowledge there would be no one to do that, I gamely said "No worries. I'll do it." without realising the full extent of it all ;) Let's just say: never ever be an emcee AND wedding co-ordinator, at the same time!

Doing either task would be just fine, but combining the two makes you into a complete BASKET CASE. So I (dragging along the others - thankyou!) rocked up super early to make sure everything was going to plan. So early that not a single person was that yet. And we were the very last people to leave as well, after even the bridal party and parents. It was a loooong day!

Despite all sorts of hiccups and crazy changes, everything worked out and it was great to see everyone enjoying themselves and smiling. And actually, I like co-ordinating stuff. I'm a pretty organised person and also a perfectionist, plus I'm have a real knack for bossing people around ;) Pretty good qualities for a wedding co-ordinator - heh!

Unfortunately, the same can't be said for my emcee-ing. HOO BOY!!!! Okay, so I decided I wouldn't do my whole impromptu-speaking-cos-its-easier thing.. because I dont want to do that when it's someone else's ass on the line. So I figured I would do the whole speaker notes thing.


I hadn't spoken off proper planned notes in ages, and it utterly confused me. I'm not used to having to speak from a script, and not being able to adlib. Seriously, the only part that I was happy with was when I STOPPED reading off the script mid-way and just spoke candidly about how I knew the bride and groom. Other than that, it was crazy boring. Then, near the end, I actually had a whole toast to the bride/groom prepared, like any NORMAL emcee would do at the end of a speech. But it was on the next page of the written notes, and I looked to the right towards the kitchen...... saw them preparing the appetizers.... got confused..... and merrily announced "Here come the appetisers!!" or something to the effect. People paused. People gawped at me. Then after about 30 full seconds, there was a smattering of applause amidst a few "Oh, I guess she's finished!" comments. FML.

The rest of the night rolled by, and we were treated to fabulous food. Hurray! Great friends, and a great meal. Very lovely (and hilarious) speeches from the parents and bride/groom afterwards. I love weddings :) Wish I hadn't forgotten the bridal couple's names though. Yep, you read right. When it was the very last speech to announce them as "man and wife", I had in my notes "A+T" which was a mistake when I wrote it, as it is not the 1st letter of their names. I should've written "A+C" or "Mr and Mrs AT" but nup, I had a random combination of both. Man, there was a veeeerrryyyy embarassing moment when I struggled with their names until someone piped up and told me *FACEPALM*.

But fortunately, no one really remembers an emcee's speech and I my excuse was that I was running around like a mad woman and had no time to really prepare and pace myself through the speeches - so I'm stickin' with that ;) But apart from my crazy stuffups, was a gorgeous wedding - gorgeous location, gorgeous bride and dress, gorgeous food, and gorgeous farewell with the sparklers outside!

And since I didn't say my toast properly, CONGRATULATIONS Alec and Christine - you two are a wonderful match and here's wishing you many many years of health, love and happiness!

Camwhoring. As usual.

The whimsical decor - it was so gorgeous

A cosy yet airy setting

2 little froggies for the married couple's table setting

Taking a breather between running around organising everyone/everything

Giving last minute instructions to the guy who was helping out with the playlist

Outside in the garden

Me and the hub-ster :)

The bridal car arrives!

The ceremony

View from the balcony

Saying their vows

Me preparing my emcee notes

Inbetween speaking, I popped back to my table to chow down

Oysters - delish!

Crisp pork belly, crushed peas, mint, apple chutney

Grilled beef fillet, dauphinoise potatoes, green beans, peppercorn sauce

Pan fried barramundi, potato gnocchi, tomato, feta, basil

Me and ze beautiful bride

Belgium chocolate fondant, raspberry sorbet

Passionfruit brulee, sable biscuit

Nice and full :)

Bride and groom making their speeches out on the balcony


Cutting the wedding (cup)cake. Check out the gorgeous city lights in the background

A beautiful wedding, we were so honoured to have been invited!

holidays, friends, living in... australia

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