Aug 21, 2008 23:15

I was walking just outside my place in the morning, on the way to work.. and who should walk past me but John Howard, Australia's ex Prime Minister as of a few months ago! He was doing his daily morning walk, with some beefy bodyguard powering along behind him. Haha. I looked, and did a double take as I recognised him. He looked smaller than what I'd expected, not that tall at all.. and looking rather grand-fatherly and sweet. Anyway, he looked up at me and said "Hullo!" which I was quite delighted by, hehehehhe.

Anyway, Monday was RSPCA Cupcake Day! It's a charity event where all proceeds go to the RSPCA, which is actually Australia’s oldest Animal Welfare Charity (over 125 yrs!). Did you know that it costs over $80M/yr to maintain the RSPCA, and less than 2% of this is from the Australian government? For shame!! Which is why events such as these are so needed by the RSPCA, and so worthwhile.

So all Sunday afternoon, Chris and I baked and baked and baked... until I was totally frazzled and sick of cupcakes, haha. Also ate loads of 'em.. I mean, who can resist freshly-baked yummy cupcakes, hot out of the oven?! We made chocolate fudge cupcakes and my signature maple syrup cupcakes :) All up, there were >100 cupcakes so the whole kitchen was just filled with the aroma of baked goodies... ahhhhhhh.......

Packing them all up was a major hassle, and something that I hadn't quite planned out prior - d'oh! In the end, I only managed to get around 60 cupcakes packed into 3 tins, and had to lug 'em all into work the next morning.

Happily - the cupcakes sold like hot cakes :P In fact, there were TOO FEW!! So I got reprimanded by the many that missed out :P I charged $2 a cupcake and managed to wrangle/wheedle/plead/guilt/force people to donating more... so ended up making $170 in cupcake sales. Very pleased!! I know it's NOTHING, a drop in the ocean when you compare it to the $80M they really need for the year.. but I figure every (teeny tiny) little bit must count, right?!

I'm definitely doing it again next year :)

Me - the RSPCA Cupcake Cook!

Chocolate fudge cupcakes, all ready to go into the oven

Mixing up the Maple syrup cupcakes batter

Rising in the oven

Maple syrup cupcakes - these smell heavenly coming out of the oven!

I made 100 cupcakes, 50 of which were packed into
these tins - my pride and joy 'cos they're just too cute!!

Money money money!

food, charity

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