Jun 25, 2008 22:30

Had the whole gang over for lunch, which I thought would be quite a feat since my place is small and all my cutlery comes in sets of 4, haha. Turned out to be pretty smooth-sailing though, thanks to the shared-style food Chris and I made and the fact that we at least fit around the dining table properly ;) Chris started off with his awesome nacho dip which is a layer of chopped tomatoes, a layer of guacamole, a layer of sour cream with taco seasoning, a layer of shredded cheese and a layer of chives. It makes a great, fresh dip for nacho chips and is freakin' addictive!! We should have made 2-3 batches though, instead of just 1, since it was popular and was gobbled up in about 5 mins flat ;) Probably something we should have anticipated and planned for considering everyone was either Asian or French - a powerful combination when it comes to food appreciation :P

For lunch, I made marinated lamb cutlets which turned out nicely - all tasty and cooked through just-so. Plus I made a fresh dip to go with it too, woohoo! And to go with the lamb, a cherry tomato and bococcini salad with lots of fresh basil and olive oil, plus a crack of salt. I really liked it, must remember to make it more often...! babyflite made her fabulous Strawberry & Lychee Cocktails which I personally think should be a staple at every dinner we have at each others' places ;)

As for dessert, we decided to head down the road to the French couple's place (as they live a 5 min walk from me!) where they fattened us up with loads of hot chocolate, chocolate mousse, white wine cake, more chocolates, biscuits, etc.. Was stuffed to the brim afterwards, so full that when we left at night no one wanted any dinner. We played Rock Band, or rather, everyone played it whilst I lazed about on the couch, only participating when I could sing (or is that warble?) an Oasis song ;)

I also just realised that the 6 of us also spent almost 12 hours straight together on this day... haha.

Pretty flower one of the couples brought. No idea what it is though - anyone know?

Our fabulous fresh homemade dip for the nacho chips

I marinated some lamb cutlets in a bit of olive oil, lemon mint, garlic and spicy sea salt..

They were pretty good!

Served with a fresh minted yoghurt dip I made as well :)

And I whipped up a Cherry tomato and marinated bococcini salad,
with fresh torn basil leaves, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

While Chris did his famous garlic bread again :P

ptechnix says my cooking is the best in the world - fact!

Me obviously not agreeing with something Chris said, haha

Couple #1

Couple #2

Playing Rock Band... again!

These guys are waaaay too good at it

Chris surprised all of us when he started signing, he has an AMAZING voice!
Very sexy too ;) Not that I'm biased or anything....

Making hot chocolate

Making chocolate mousse

Chocolate mousse and French white wine cake!

Freakin' delicious

Pouring the hot chocolate out (no idea why Chris and I look so bloody stupid..)

Chocolates and gingerbread. Delish!

Us :)

food, friends

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