Nov 12, 2011 02:41
One of the coolest things I got to see on my last medicine rotation was a bronchoscopy on a dog- basically a tiny camera on a cord fed down through the trachea and in to the bronchi while we watched the images on a screen. It was on a dog with a chronic cough and we wanted to look inside his lungs and take some biopsies. It was really neat to see the branching of the bronchi into the lungs, but the coolest part is watching how everything moved as the dog breathed :). It's really strange to gain as much knowledge of the body as you do in a medicine program; I learned basic organ function in high school, but between my undergrad courses and vet school, I've taken apart pretty much every part of the body, step by step, right down to the cell level (if you count chemistry, then right down to the individual carbons). It's awesome to actually watch those things working from the inside!! It's also a little disturbing to look at something living and be able to dissect it in your head, which I pretty much do all the time now.
Still, lungs are pretty cool.