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Jul 30, 2011 01:42

So I ended up having a really awesome time on my large animal rotation :). I'm definitely still a small animal person, and I have no interest in practicing horse or cow medicine, but I have to be honest, the small animal hospital at school kind of drives me nuts. It's always a bit of a madhouse, with people and dogs and noise everywhere, and the large animal hospital is just so quiet and relaxed. I really liked being there and I think I'm actually going to miss it (especially the late shifts! There was this one shift from 5-11pm, where the student would be the only person in the hospital. It's actually super relaxing to just hang out there in the middle of the night with a couple of cows mooing and the horses just eating quietly; it reminded me how much I actually do like being in barns). Plus, my absolute favorite clinician was overseeing our rotation, so that helped keep things interesting. I definitely feel waaaaay more comfortable working with horses and doing basic procedures with them, so I pretty much accomplished my goal for the rotation. I even had some patients that I got pretty attached to, so that was progress on the horse-appreciation front (I don't dislike horses at all, I just have difficulty really being attached to them, due largely to the fact that most of the horses I've known up until this point were batshit crazy). I keep ducking into the hospital to check on the patients who are still there :).

I'm on radiology now, which is pretty relaxed. We just take x-rays, then sit and look at them. The small animal clinicians can take there own x-rays if they have to, so it's a 9-5 kind of rotation, with no weekends or on-call. Pretty nice :). I feel like I've definitely improved my radiology skills over the last three years, but I don't know if I'll ever feel really confident with x-rays and ultrasound- it's so hard!! I'm definitely improving with practice, but it's definitely been the hardest thing for me to learn in vet school (broken bones are pretty easy most of the time, but we also look at internal organs on x-ray, which is way less clear-cut).

In super exciting news, I'm moving to a new apartment next week, which means I get to take my dog home soon :D.
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