I don't know how I feel the last days.
Am I sad? Am I angry? Am I disappointed?
I really have no idea...
All I know is, that I hate the fact that love exist.
Of course love is the most important thing in life. I know that.
Without the love of my family and friends I would not exist anymore.
But on the other hand love takes people from you, which are really important...
At first you are the best friend and 'the' other one says "I love you very much".
But when love in form of a partner enters the other ones life, it becomes totally different...
Then you are only 'a' friend and the other one says only "I love you"
And after a while you are only an acquaintance and there will be no "I love you" anymore...
And I am really afraid of this.
I am afraid, that love (even when the other is really happy)will take the ones I love from me!
And I am afraid that exactly this happens at the moment...
In such moments I feel so lonely and unsure and not needed...
Sometimes i really hate the love!