Spuffy Music Video - Effigy

Nov 10, 2009 14:17

Title: Effigy
Vidder: Aurora (effulgent_girl)
Song Title/Artist: Effigy by Natalie Merchant
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13
Software: Sony Vegas
Format: Zipped wmv & streamed
Notes: My second contribution to seasonal_spuffy. It's been a long while since I made a music video, much less a Spuffy one. I hope it doesn't show too much. I set out trying to find the similarities between Buffy and Spike and what it took to get them together through the years. According to the dictionary, effigy means a representation of a person. But what we've seen shows that Buffy and Spike are so alike, no matter what they may think in the beginning. He's a vampire and she's the slayer meant to kill him. But it doesn't happen like that. They're similarities, and ultimately, their feelings for each other bring them together in ways we never saw coming. They're two sides of the same coin; both a representation of each other. They're both strong on their own, but together they're a force to be reckoned with. And that's how I wanted to show it in the video. I hope my message came through clear. I had the ending in my head from the very beginning and it was fun getting there in the process of making this vid.

Links: Good Quality (17 MB) | High Quality (46 MB) | Watch on YouTube or BAM

I'm an effigy
A parody of
Who I appear to be
Put your flaming torches under me

I'm an effigy
A parody of
Who I appear to be
Put your flaming torches under me

I'm an effigy
A parody of
Who I appear to be
Put your flaming torches under me

Endless so far in myself, follow me

fade to Tibetan singer, Yungchen Lhamo

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couple: buffy/spike, music video, downloads

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