You have to numb your mouth to do a cleaning? I had my teeth cleaned for the first time at like 19 and I didn't even have that much problem. Are your teeth outrageously sensitive?
no, i haven't had them cleaned for 5 years, and they need to do this super deep cleaning thing where they like, pack antibiotics into my gums afterward so i don't get periodontal disease? i don't know, i'm terrified of the dentist to begin with and after i had my consultation with them two weeks ago and was told i need three root canals, i've just basically given up that this is going to be horrendously painful from start to finish. :/
Augh that sucks. I do luck out in that the bacteria in my mouth seem not to be actively at war with my teeth. I have one cavity that I need to fix when I get my last two wisdom teeth pulled in a couple weeks.
lucky! my wisdom teeth were easy on me, thankfully, but i am very cavity-prone, and the root canals are now necessary b/c the cavities i should've had drilled five years ago are now so big that they can't really fill them. ugh. my whole family have awful teeth, but this is what happens when you don't have dental insurance for four years. >_<;;;;
My mom has awful teeth although she brushes regularly and doesn't consume a lot of things that would be aggravating dental issues. Her argument for not taking me for any dental visits for my ENTIRE CHILDHOOD once my baby teeth were confirmed to be growing in okay (besides also not having any dental coverage, which I have only ever had when I was a full-time student) was that she thought/hoped my teeth were good like my dad's. Lucky for her and me, they are good, but my revenge for this is making her pay for my wisdom teeth removals since I haven't been able to afford them myself. Two needed oral surgery, the others just need yanked.
Teeth, man. Maybe I'll yank 'em all and become a juicetarian!
Teeth, man. Maybe I'll yank 'em all and become a juicetarian!
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