'well,' he said, 'i'm back.'

Sep 20, 2010 09:39

i kind of feel like i've been away for a month instead of six days, honestly. the amount of stuff i've packed into my life since last monday is a little ridiculous. i've never wanted this to be one of those "today i ate cereal" journals (though i am eating cereal as we speak) but sometimes it's nice to document things, and this week was really special.

i've never been someone's bridesmaid before, and being one of douxquemiel's was really-- yeah, special is the only word for it. she's one of my best friends and i know mr. douxquemiel pretty well also; i hang out with them often and consider them two of my nearest and dearest. standing up with them to witness them saying their "i do"s was incredibly moving and wonderful. i didn't know raindissolved's hubby when she got married last fall, and while i still wept like a baby then, somehow knowing both of them and knowing what it meant to both of them just really socked me in the gut in a good way. (not that rin's wedding didn't sock me in the gut too, but i think it's different when you know both the participants well, ne?) anyway sarah and i have talked about the idea of witnessing a wedding meaning you're part of the commitment the bride and groom make to each other, that you pledge to uphold them and help them in their relationship to each other, to commit to their union as you would to your own. i really love that idea and that's part of why i feel really honored being a part of this; anyone who knows them knows they're perfect for each other, and that they love each other dearly, and seeing them make it official is extremely satisfying. and as with all of my friends who are married and those i'll see get married in teh future, i love the idea that i'll get to be a part of their lives together for the long haul (and when sarah gets back from the honeymoon she'll probably read this and call me a woobie, but whatever, i so am).

other awesome things that were had this week : lots and lots of alcohol, a ride in a convertible by a really cute boy (to quote mutantjules, unfortunately it was not THAT kind of ride), an evening of mainlining important dr. who episodes of the 9th doctor persuasion, introducing someone to lush for the first time, hanging out with my grandparents, the purchase of my first pair of danskos, my introduction to florence and the machine, and quality time with most of my closest friends. it was a pretty awesome week, and when i got home yesterday i was fucking exhausted. now begins another week of insane working. let's hope i can put my foot down and have sunday off because otherwise i'm going to be working two weeks straight and nobody wants that, least of all me. :/

.....also, in the "emily's filter vanishes when she's drunk" files, i remembered this like a smack to the face on friday afternoon and almost died of combined hilarity and shame-- one of the groomsmen who i shall refer to as 'sayid lite' to give you an idea of what he looked like (unf unf) did this fire-spinning show at the reception where he had a stick on fire and did all these tricks with it-- and while it was happening this weird guy was hitting on me and i was making a huge show of being wicked into the fire-spinning and into sayid lite-- weird guy goes 'really, you think he's hot?' and filter-less me goes 'i wouldn't kick him out of bed unless it was to fuck on the floor.' oh yeah. i am SO AWESOME. also the groom was standing beside me as i said it and i think i made him inhale his drink. WOOOOOOO!!

okay time to unpack the car. i shudder to think what the fuck i'm going to have to do to organize all my shit....

and i gave myself an extension on reel_startrek because i need another couple days to finish it. :( tuesday is going to be writing day, oh my god..... now that wedding craziness is over i am in full-on double rainbow finish all the fics mode. gonna be interesting, to say the least.

This post crossposted from Dreamwidth (

life: yay, life: virtue and vice, writing: about writing, life: ka-tet, life: travel

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