oh, is that a big bang post i see?

Aug 22, 2010 22:58

i know, i'd almost forgotten i was doing trek big bang this year too.... okay that's a total lie, i've been freaking out about it every spare second for the past six weeks. but seeing how i've had approximately ten spare seconds per day for the past six weeks... well, you get the idea.

i spent today in deja vu-- sitting on my porch while it rained, listening to alexi murdoch and writing my little butt off, exactly how i spent a countless number of afternoons last year while i was writing a big bang for the first time ever. it was bliss. i'm still sitting here, though i got up to go to the gym, make dinner, watch some of OotP with mom, etc. but i wrote over 2500 words since this morning and have a general plot-shaped thing going on. i passed 15k, and given that i could write 5k in my sleep most of the time (ie: when i'm not insanely stressed out and busy) i can say for sure i'm going to make the rough draft deadline, which means big bang 2010 is a go. i never actually thought i wouldn't make the deadline, but i was nervous that it would be a mishmash of crap patched together just to have something to send in, rather than an actual working story from which the final product will emerge. so. that's a plus.

it's morphed, which is both cool and scary. not that most stories i write don't end up morphing, but this one didn't really morph by my choice. ideally i wanted to write this monster story about jim and winona's relationship to each other, her experiences meeting and falling for george, raising the boys, living without george, etc, and also jim's experiences in the aftermath of tarsus iv, getting half-raised by his grandfather tiberius, what it's like being the son of a famous dead guy, plus a whole ton of shit about what happens in the year after they defeat nero, etc. but that story would have been upwards of 80K words, which i just didn't / don't have time for. this will probably max out around 30, 32K (but then i said that about reconciliation and hi, 44K later...). either way, i had to narrow it down, so i decided that all the stuff i wanted to write about jim was going to get put into another fic, which i'm super excited to write, but will have to be separate from big bang. either way i had more of the winona stuff written as well as a better grasp of what i wanted to do with it-- which, now that i've written a lot of it, i realize wasn't a terribly good grasp of it at all. this is going to take a lot of work to make presentable, but i'm up for it. especially now that i'm going to have actual TIME to devote to writing. not getting up at 6am ever again is really going to help that.

speaking of work, this is my last week working two jobs. i start full time hours at lush a week from tomorrow. right out the gate it's going to be crazy; we have another manager visiting our store to shadow my boss and learn how to be awesome for the first week of the month; then my boss is going to that manager's store for a week to cement the training and do some hands-on stuff in her store; then i'm on vacation for a week for douxquemiel's wedding; then there's five days of normalcy; then my boss leaves for the managers' meeting in alberta for a week. which, HA HA, if my boss gets the position with corporate she applied for, that means HA TRIPLE HA i will be finishing up getting trained to be manager-in-training only to morph directly into getting trained to be manager, to take her place. which a) means an immediate raise of over $10k (jesus christ talk about all my problems solved in a nutshell) and b) means i will also be going to the managers' meeting in alberta, which means i have to get a passport. LULZ. my life, what the fuck. it cracks my shit up that it's a distinct possibility that over the course of four months i can have gone from a regular sales associate to manager of the goddamn store. so keep your fingers crossed for me, you guys. now that i'm M-I-T for real i don't even need to apply for the manager job; if kris gets the corporate job i take her place, that's just how it goes. and that is truly beyond my realm of understanding; a salary, period, was almost beyond my comprehension a month ago, and to have that bumped up to literally a dollar amount that sounds like the equivalent of a trillion frillion -- i mean seriously i just don't know what it's like to make that kind of money, you know?

ugh, anyway, enough of that. i also put purple tips on my hair yesterday, i'm going to take a picture tomorrow because i have post-gym hair right now which is not pretty. XD but it feels awesome to feel like me again instead of this boring weird person i've been for the past four years. i'm also probably going to try and get my tragis pierced within the next two weeks, if i can either a) get to boston for an afternoon or b) find a non-sketch piercing place in providence. but definitely before the wedding. i've wanted it for ages, and since i can't afford my next tattoo before the wedding, the piercing it is.

okay my god i'm so tired again already, it is time for bed. love love love you guys, god, i miss you all and while i've still been shit at reading my flist just know that i am thinking of you, for real, i hope you're all well and if you feel like telling me anything at all, i don't care how trivial it is, drop me a comment. ♥ forever!

(next time i post i will flail about the adam lambert show, because OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD. XD)

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life: yay, life: virtue and vice, body image, life: work, writing: about writing, writing: big bang 10, crosspost

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