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douxquemiel July 12 2010, 20:54:03 UTC

i just love this job and this company so much, and i am so fucking GOOD at the job it's ridiculous.

And there's the thing. It might not be what you envisioned, it might not be the goal you had in mind, but if it's right, then what the hell does it matter? There are people who make a career out of retail, for a reason-- if they love it, if they're good at it, if the believe in what they're doing, then it's a career. And you're FABULOUS at your job, you fit so WELL in your job, and as your friend, I'm proud to watch you succeed. I visit you in the store and I stand back and watch you do your job with finesse, confidence, and understanding. You love helping customers, you love explaining products, you love sharing all of it. I don't think it's a step back if you are finding something that's right for you.

9-to-5 is always there (ohhhh believe me), and unless something amazing is knocking down your door, go for what you're enjoying right now. You'll end up a writer one day, spending entire WEEKS on a screened porch doing your ( ... )


betweenthebliss July 31 2010, 22:03:46 UTC
belatedly; i love you. ♥_______♥;;;;;;


douxquemiel August 4 2010, 01:21:40 UTC
MORIBUND, BABY. Sometimes I break out the smart. And it's usually for you. ♥

....relatedly, I need to read/take my own advice more often. XD

[Sidenote: I have TWO ST icons, and zero Pinto icons. Clearly, this needs to be rectified. x_x ]


betweenthebliss August 5 2010, 04:45:16 UTC
n'aww. <3___<3;;;;;

and yeah, ya do. but you kind of get a reprieve on worrying about anything until september 17th. ;)

..........that is a CRIME, my friend. A CRIME. do you need me to hunt some up for you? cus really.... CRIME.


douxquemiel August 5 2010, 14:57:59 UTC
Ugh, yeah. But I need to schedule the GREs, actually. Would it be completely insane of me to take them the week I get back from the honeymoon??

....your icon is appropriate to the context as well as the crime. OKAY, OKAY, I'M ON IT. I have some downloaded on my computer, but I just haven't had a minute to re-shuffle my kajillion icons. See: reprieve until after September. XD


betweenthebliss August 7 2010, 14:34:24 UTC
it would, only b/c you're not going to have time to study before then. i would say schedule them for the middle of october at the earliest. i studied for about 2 weeks before mine and did pretty well (okay, i did well, but i'm a perfectionist so i'm "meh" about my score) and i can pass along the 2008 GRE study book that callie passed down to me if you want. :)

and dude, you can't possibly have filled up 175 spaces yet. i just reshuffled my paid time so i have 175 slots and even with the hojillion icons i have made and DL'd i still have like 40 slots free. DO IIIIIIIIIIT. trawl mine for good icon makers if you want, too. :DDDD


douxquemiel August 8 2010, 23:08:36 UTC
You're riiiiiight. The only thing is that you're only allowed to re-take it once per month, which means if I took it in October, I wouldn't be able to take it again until November if my score was bad, and that would be tight for admissions deadlines (I think?). Meh. Oh well, I can't help it. Mid-October it is. And augh, I hate studying for standardized tests. Hell, I hate studying for tests PERIOD. Whatever, it shall be what it shall be. XD

I don't yet! I have lots of room, but I also realized some of them are collecting dust, so I might as well really fix 'em up. And duuuuude, I love your icons. And trolling other people's userpics for icon makers is what I DO. So depend on it, bb. XD


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