1. How can I tell if you're angry? i'll tell you. if it's not a big deal i'll be cool about it, if it's a huge deal i'll probably be too angry to be nice and will probably have to apologize later for cursing at you. >.>;;;
2. How should I behave around you if you're angry? listen to what i have to say, don't lie to protect yourself, apologize if you're in the wrong, if i'm misinformed then explain how and why the misunderstanding happened. if i care enough about you to tell you that i'm mad, then once the apology has happened or my error has been corrected, everything will be all good again.
3. How do you want me to behave when you are hurting emotionally? How is it best to comfort you? treat me gently; i appreciate love/hugs/cheering up in the form of distraction (fic, recs, macros, gifs, vids, etc) and if i tell you what i'm upset about then some commiseration never goes amiss.
4. Are there things we should not discuss? nope. i always err on the side of emotional honesty.
5. How should I treat you when you are ill? like a tiny baby, lol. fic/macros/etc are excellent here too.
6. What makes you happy that's in my power to grant you? feedback on my fic, drabbles just for me, basically i like knowing you're thinking of me and anything that lets me know it will make me happy.
7. How would you like us to recognise your birthday? PARTIES AND PARADES. no really, anything, even just a happy birthday wish on my journal or twitter.
8. Are there any standing categories of presents that would be appropriate or unwelcome? i always love fic, icons, macros or anything else you take time to make just for me. paid time to lj or dreamwidth and/or gift certificates to amazon or itunes never go amiss if you want to spend real dollars. :D
9. Are there times of the year that are difficult for you? not really, not emotionally speaking anyway. june, september and december are always horribly busy times for me, but i don't have any emotionally triggering times, per se.
10. Are there important anniversaries in your life? my birthday is november 8th. thaaaaaat's about it.
11. How do I cater for you if you are visiting me? the most important thing is coffee. when it comes to food, i'm easy, but coffee is a must.
12. If I want to contact you, how should I do it? email is the first, best way. LJ, texting or twitter are next step down, and then after that is a phone call. then carrier pigeons. ;D
at my grandparents. took an awesome bath in the gigantic bathtub. could have slept there. am now going to sleep in teh futon insteead. am actually falling asleep sitting here; guess 4 hrs of sleep last night wasn't the best plan ever. :3