writing to-do list

May 29, 2010 23:09

because i just came back from iron man 2 with a bit of a fic bunny (well... i came back with twenty, but half of them would require me to take a week off from life and read 50 years' worth of marvel comics in order to be well-informed enough to write, so... yeah) and anyway i need to make an updated list anyway.

- ceo!pepper dealing with justin hammer after he weasels out of going to prison. not sure what i want to do with this, but i was fascinated by pepper in power and hammer's claim that he was going to make a problem for her later, so, want to explore.
- something harry potter. i fucking miss this fandom, and the movie marathon on abc family this weekend is only making me want to write in it again. it's so daunting because i don't even know what i want to write, but i want to do SOMETHING. maybe set during OOTP, maybe GOF, maybe post canon. idk.
- reel trek outline
- big bang plotting/outline
- sequel to break down and tell (overdue since november, lulz)
- sequel to spotted (same)
- companion to out of the lines
- another piece in the 'badly drawn' verse, maybe this time about chapel or pike?
- that resident evil fic with carlos, inspired by 'help i'm alive'
- the next chapter or two of 'driven'
- old drabbles i never got around to finishing (like from the last time i did a drabble prompting meme...)

tomorrow i'll be getting to some of your alphabet drabbles. >:D now i'm going to finish watching GoF and go to sleeeeeeeeep. :3

writing: about writing, writing: to-do list

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