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Mar 01, 2010 07:14

you guys, how is it march of 2010 already?

did a big RP drop last night. saying goodbye to a character you've played for almost four and a half years is a big fucking deal, yo. i'm not even really sure i've processed it... it's been a long time coming, and certainly i should've realized i needed to drop him a long time ago... but when a character is so close to your heart it's really hard to know when it's time to say goodbye. :(

off to work forthwith. tired, so tired. laulan and i watched the wolfman last night (synced, cus we're dorks like that) and it was pretty great, actually. the trailers really mis-sold it as a special effects gorefest -- there was *definitely* a lot of gore (mutantjules you would love it ;)) but it wasn't the O LOOK WE R COMPUTER ANIMATERZ extravaganza i expected. v. enjoyable. and i now really want to write about emily blunt laying waste to the werewolves of europe, cus damn, she makes a hot slayer. XD also watched 'drag me to hell' on thursday and that was also pretty enjoyable. it didn't scare the crap out of me like i expected, but it was really very creepy and i totally called the ending (i love when i do that :)).

okay. working both jobs today. pray i make it to tonight. if only they hadn't blocked LJ at work! *shakes fist*

movies: 2010, movies: sci-fi, life: work, omgwtfbbq, better to be somebody else, movies: horror

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