(no subject)

Jan 05, 2010 11:03

newsflash : i am an *asshole*. the latest round of trek_exchange, the one i exhorted everyone to sign up for, the one i was so excited about writing? was due yesterday. aaaaaaand guess who didn't even start it yet. FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. i asked for an extension, but dear god, i feel like a dick. *facepalms forever*

right now i'm stressing about the next placement i'll potentially be taking with the temp agency. it's doing phone calls and customer service, which is annoying b/c it means i'll likely not have access to the internet, unless the company is way cool and the job is way easy-- which is good for getting writing done, as i tend to write quite productively longhand, but it sucks b/c it means i'll basically never have the time to check my flist and stuff the way i want to-- but they require a fucking drug test, which means i might not get the placement anyway. thank you new year's eve shenanigans. *salutes* it's just funny-- before last weekend the last time i'd smoked was the middle of september, and before that was the fourth of july. i'm not exactly a pothead here, lol. and i'm just really getting sick of this temping thing. but part of me wonders if i shouldn't look for a real job because i'm seriously planning to move in september. nine months isn't a terribly long time to work at a job, and i don't want to screw a place over, you know? ugh. UGH I SAY.

anyway. writing to-do list, short form.
-- have claimed four prompts at smallfandomfest which will serve to continue the 'driven' verse of white collar ficlets i've been working on. i have two posted, a third written, plus these four is seven and i believe i will plan for there to be ten in total. *nod*
-- figure out what i'm motherfucking writing for operation80. this will require a rewatch of 'arena'. i have NO ideas about this yet; this may be a problem. >.<;;;;
-- continue plugging away at the white collar highschool AU. we had a drought during the holidays but we're back full force now; passed 16,000 words and still going strong. this is heartening. i'm still an asshole about trek exchange though. /o\

i owe so many people so many emails and comments and tags, oh my god, it's so fucking daunting i don't even know where to start. i need a vacation. again. :( please, if i've been owing you something, or if you made a post you think i need to see, or anything, drop me a comment here. ilu guys.

life: virtue and vice, life: work, writing: about writing, life: anxiety, writing: to-do list, life: fail

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