ooh la la

Dec 16, 2009 14:14

so i was reading this really interesting article about lady gaga's ability to be grotesque being related to her being white and thin (and it's really interesting, tbh, i mean as i've said, i love gaga, but the blogger does raise an interesting point-- fat / black / latina / asian / trans women probably would not even come close to getting away with that shit becuase in a lot of ways they're already considered grotesque, especially fat women (by which, let's be clear, i mean the industry standard of anyone who's bigger than a size 6)).

so the blogger uses kelly clarkson as an example of someone the industry considers fat, someone who gets ridiculed for being fat by the press-- which confused the fuck out of me. like, i pulled up my mental image of kelly clarkson and went "wait, what?" so i did a google image search for pictures of her, and saw what the blogger meant. yeah, she's not a stick insect. she's got hips and tits and actual thighs (oh my god CAN YOU BELIEVE IT). but i'm just saying, guys, if this is fat :

then i don't want to be skinny. like, fucking seriously? YOWZA. she's not like, one of my celebrity crushes, but she's fucking gorgeous and that is a hot picture.

and of course as someone who absolutely falls into that 'fat girl' group (as do almost all the women i know, 'cause you don't see me hanging out with many supermodels) i definitely understand the point she's making. i mean yeah, i'm overweight (lol i say as i nom on a chocolate cookie-- WHATEVER) but i don't consider myself grotesque; in fact most of the time i think i'm pretty cute. but it sucks knowing that a lot of people, "the world" as a societal generality, wouldn't agree. and like the blogger says at the end of her post-- those of us who are in those lesser privileged categories don't get to take off the costume at the end of the day. and i'm NOT saying that to bemoan my own situation-- like i said, i'm mostly happy with my body. but when people go "ooh, gaga is so *gross*", that's not really what they're saying-- they're saying, "ooh, gaga wears *gross* so *well*", which is really different, and they should be honest about that.

on a lighter note, this is hilarious.

life: fat bottomed girls, celebs: celebrity skin, life: issues

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