
Dec 15, 2009 10:11

for any of you with even the smallest, slightest urge to write fanfiction on the internets :

traveller's post about how to write fanfiction on the internets.

seriously. no, seriously. read it. love it. print it out and put it on your wall ( Read more... )

writing: about writing, fandom: is meta, writing: yuletide 09, i have a minyan, fandom: is thought provoking

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dynamicsymmetry December 15 2009, 15:35:00 UTC
A lot of this is good writing advice in general. If I had a dime for every time I came across someone who thought that "said" just wasn't good enough, well, I wouldn't have to worry about royalty checks.


betweenthebliss December 15 2009, 15:57:20 UTC
seriously-- i actually just had that particular conversation with myself the other day, waffling about the possible overuse of "said" and reminding myself that it's better to be simple-- just, sometimes i start to second-guess myself, you know? but it's nice to have things i already know to be true put into words by someone else. :)


dynamicsymmetry December 15 2009, 16:02:03 UTC
The "said" thing has been described by Stephen King as a sign of an insecure author--someone who isn't really confident in their own words yet--and I think there's a lot to that. Which is good, because it means it can be something that you just sort of naturally outgrow as you get out there and flex your muscles. But yeah, it still helps to get reassurance from others that it's really okay.


betweenthebliss December 15 2009, 16:15:47 UTC
rofl yes that was exactly the thing i cited to myself as a reminder, lol-- i love the way king talks about writing so very much. 'on writing' is such a great book-- i liked it b/c it never felt like he was trying to teach people how to write like him, more just relating his own work to make his own writing better.


dynamicsymmetry December 15 2009, 16:16:41 UTC
I fucking love that book. "Write true things" is probably one of the single greatest pieces of advice I've ever come across.


betweenthebliss December 15 2009, 16:17:44 UTC
yessssss. gah. i need to print *that* out and tape it to my wall, too. *__*;;;


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