(no subject)

May 27, 2009 11:07

x-posted from killerbeautiful, that ten couples meme thinger.

Name your 10 absolutely favorite couples (het/slash/canon/fanon) and ask people to see what trends they notice about your couples. Try to pick different fandoms.

  • Kara Thrace / Lee Adama - Battlestar Galactica
  • any permutation of Joscelin Verreuil / Phedre no Delaunay / Hyacinthe - Kushiel's Legacy
  • Sansa Stark / Sandor Clegane - A Song of Ice and Fire
  • Bill Weasley / Nymphadora Tonks - Harry Potter
  • Jean Tannen / Locke Lamora - Gentleman Bastards
  • Kirk / Spock - Star Trek XI
  • Tony DiNozzo / Ziva David - NCIS
  • any permutation of Claire Bennet / Sylar / Peter Petrelli - Heroes
  • Booth / Brennan - Bones
  • Caspian / Eustace Scrubb - Narnia

these aren't my absolute favorites, but they're my most interesting favorites (also they were pretty much the first ten i thought of) -- i already see what the trend is, lmao, but tell me if you see any besides the obvious. XD

....also there is not nearly as much slash on here as there used to be. i guess that's what comes from three years of submerging myself in a universe made of crossovers, lol, most of my slash ships are cross-canon.

read 'the geography club' by brent hartinger in one sitting over the weekend. it was decent, i'll probably do a review of it together with 'boy meets boy' by david levithan after i finish that one. (wackaday convinced me. ;)) also going to go answer comments on my trek music post now-- if anyone hasn't commented and feels inclined, please weigh in, i'd love to know people's thoughts/picks. :D

fandom: is random, memes

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