human rights for sale

Dec 08, 2009 16:18

one of my friends linked to this on her twitter today.

Heterosexual woman puts her right to marry up for auction on EBay.

Jamie Frevele says "I’m an unmarried heterosexual woman, and since I probably won’t be using my right to get married, I would like to give it away. I would like to sell it to the highest bidder and donate the proceeds to an organization that supports LGBT rights since the government designed to protect all of us is picking and choosing based on what they think is icky, weird, or unknown to them."

i really, really want to donate to this, but sadly if i win i don't have $150 to give all at once. and so i was thinking, a lot of you lovely flisters might be in a similar situation. and wouldn't it be awesome if we all chipped in a bunch of money and bid as a collective to give to this cause? it would kind of make my day, actually, not to mention my holiday season.

i know it is the holidays and a lot of you guys are probably a little strapped for cash. but if thirty of you gave ten dollars that'd more than double the current bid on the auction (you can track it here : on ebay). i won't do this if i don't get a bunch of responses, like, enough to really make a difference, but if enough of you say you're willing to chip in, i'd love to do this.

i'll go ahead and say i'll put in $50 of my own money, and if i can get pledges up to $300 (to be paypaled within the next three days-- the auction ends 12/12) i'll do it.

it's not often i see someone acting out in such a creative and positive way to fight for equal rights-- i really want to support her if i can. so comment, flist, and let me know how much you'd be willing to chip in. :)

--and if any of you want to link to this post on your own journals, whether you can donate or not, go right ahead. the more word gets out, the better. and thanks! :D

life: issues

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