(no subject)

Sep 20, 2009 00:09

when i found this icon i may actually have done the karl urban flail. i need to have this phrase possibly tattooed on my forehead or the back of my hand so i am never away from it. I HAVE ACTUALLY CLOSED FIREFOX AND TWEETDECK IN ORDER TO FORCE MYSELF TO WRITE MORE. CLEARLY I HAVE RESORTED TO SEMAGIC FOR DISTRACTION. here, have a snippet of this monstrous fucker to tease yourselves with until i post it in THREE WEEKS OH GOD HELP. artist signups are tomorrow. i'm debating renaming the tag for big bang "going slowly insane". or something. IDK. anyway HERE, READ.


It's a good time, but then Jim wasn't expecting anything less. Chekov brought his own vodka, the purist, but he's not shy about sharing. Jim just barely prevents him and Kara from abandoning the game in favor of a drinking contest; he can tell she's impressed with Chekov's guts, even if she can't quite believe she's getting matched drink for drink by this skinny kid with the funny accent.

"Raise you tventy," he says, tossing more money on the pile, and Jim hides a grin into his glass. This is their fourth game, and he can't help being proud of how they're holding their own. Hot Dog, at least, definitely expected to have an easier time fleecing them of their credits, but Kara just seems glad of the challenge. There's an edge to her grin, a roughness in her voice that he thinks probably only he and Helo might notice.

"I'm out," Sulu says, shaking his head and folding. Jim considers, then slides his coins into the middle of the table.

"You're full of it, Pavel," says Gaila cheerfully, adding her money in too. "You've done this to me before, and I'll be damned if I fold when you've got a hand full of nothing."

Kara snorts, her eyes straying to Gaila before going back to her cards. "Someone likes to play the butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth card, huh?" The green skin thing is still new to the Colonials; Jim's seen some of them do triple takes before (whoa, she's green-- whoa, she's green and hot!) and he laughs every time.

"I do not," Chekov protests, "I just have a good poker face. It is not misdirection to be good at the game."

"He's got you there, Gaila," Jim chuckles, though in this case he's pretty sure she's right and the other guy's got nothing.

Helo and Hot Dog fold, but Athena stays in; they go around upping the ante again before it's down to Sulu, Chekov and Kara, who glare at each other suspiciously.

Jim whistles a low trill, the soundtrack to every shootout in every old Western he's ever seen, and now all three of them are glaring at him. His smirk is just for Kara, though, and her eyes cut back to her cards rather that meet his.

"Okay, let's see 'em," she says finally, and as they lay their cards out everyone else leans over eagerly to see who's the winner.

Gaila crows and smacks her hand down on the table. "I knew you had nothing!" Chekov just grins, and Jim hears him mutter, "You still folded first," even as Sulu's cursing his luck. He had good cards; Kara's were just better.

She does a little dance with her shoulders and head bopping as she reaches into the middle of the table, raking her winnings toward her. "It's okay, guys, don't feel too bad. You play with a master, you gotta expect to get taken for all you're worth."


also any of you lazy sods who haven't filled out my poll in the last entry should go do that. and pray for my sanity-- seriously. i'm probably not sleeping until an obscene hour tonight, and i anticipate many nights like this ahead of me. >.>;;;;

writing: about writing, writing: big bang 09

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