(no subject)

Sep 04, 2009 15:15


just spent the entire work day (when not doing work, that is) updating the giant recs list of doom and yeah, i was right, i pretty much doubled the length of it in one go. my delicious account is ridiculous, you guys. :x

anyway-- new stuff is marked with a red star, so go check it out, and make sure you're good children and leave the authors feedback if you like their work. XD

also still plugging away at crossover drabbles. and i have a shitton of work to do on big bang this weekend-- i actually have the entire thing blocked out right up til the end, and i had an epiphany at the gym yesterday about a scene i had half-written that actually should be a different scene entirely, so that was good. i got so excited i was not thinking about the fact that i was srsly overworking myself on the elliptical machine, lol. my left calf muscle hates me today. but i feel good. XD

i'll be around tonight, i'd like to do that chat for stbbsupport that i never got off my ass to do earlier this week..... if i don't just end up photoshopping and/or rewatching the faculty for the fifteenth time. but i might do all three... my indecision, let me show you it.


happy birthday mirorelle!!!!

i wanted to post you a macro, but i forgot to make it last night before i passed out. ;_; however you will have a graphics-type present at some point in the hopefully-near future! because you are wonderful and make my flist a better place to be. ♥!!!

alrighty-- i'm out. have a good weekend, guys, if i don't talk to you. <3

writing: big bang 09, fandom: the final frontier, real life, fannish: recs

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