Jun 18, 2005 01:36
andy and I went and hung out with his friends tonight, friends that he hadn't seen in quite a long time...probably due to my incessive need for him to hang out with only me. However, I had the greatest time. It was probably the greatest night in a while. I actually was acting myself, which is weird...and everyone loved it. I bonded with strangers and soon-to-be friends and it was so refreshing. what a great feeling it is to feel wanted and liked. I had actually forgotten what that felt like. Its weird to me that even my comfortable surroundings in my town and my friends don't make me feel this happy. Its unfortunate. Tonight was an eye-opener to say the least. Why should I have to be unhappy to make people even unhappier? I can't do anything right, and tonight just proved that some of the friends I have aren't worth my tears. Other people appreciate my motives, my sense of humor, and my words...thanks to all my friends who still do. Thank you andy. Thank you for being my best friend and my boyfriend. We're going on six months, and I couldn't be happier. Thanks for loving me, and being proud of me, and showing me off. You're amazing. I love you. Tonight was spectacular. All of my tears have finally paid off. I'm starting to find my nitch in my life and other peoples lives as well. I think I am a good person, and I am actually starting to like myself even more...especially since all of this nonsense has started about me not being around, and being a bad friend, and pretty much being worthless. I feel good, and I guess that all that matters. Thanks for being my eye-opener.