May 24, 2010 12:29
i got into u of md for my bachelors of nursing. i didn't think i would get in so i made plans to travel with a friend. now i don't really know what to do....i want to do travel nursing and i can defer my acceptance but part of me doesn't really want to leave here either if i have school to finish.
also i hate st. agnes. love my job and the RNs i work with ... but the doctors, with the exception of a few are so frustrating...and i do think that will be similar no matter where i go but the doctor, the residents that i work with are at st. agnes for a reason - they're either from foreign med school or they didn't have the grades in US med schools to get into a better hospital residency....and last week something happened that was grossly negligent and far to stressful and upsetting to me. again i'm sure it won't be the last time something like this happens in my career but it made me want to apply for new jobs.
also, i have a new boyfriend. granted, we've actually been dating since january but we just made it official. where i have my some hesitance about things, i'm happy and he treats me incredibly well. he deals so well with me being crazy, emotional, demanding, and irrational. he deals with my bad moods and immediate mood swings. he likes me better without make up and loves going away for the weekend with me on a whim. loves going to the same kind of shows with me. enjoys eating ethnic food...and sitting around reading and playing bananagrams with me. <3
what are you all up to? anyone?