May 20, 2009 06:39
i am drained in every aspect of that word. i haven't been sleeping, it's partially my fault but i lie in bed for hours and hours before i fall asleep. i've screwed up a lot of my personal relationships lately.
i've got too much going on. good thing i have a month and a half off of work/school to sit around and think about how much i fucked up in the month of may. woo yay!
my heart hurts, my head hurts, my body hurts from not sleeping enough. i guess it all took long enough to catch up. maybe i am sad about steve, maybe i'm sad about a lot of other things.
needless to say, i've been trying really really hard not to be sad about anything in life because i feel 100% that in life you either choose to be happy or you choose to be sad and i've been trying to be be happy. life is too short not to be.
i've also been thinking, i talk a lot, i put myself out there for people. pretty much, as much as you want of me, you can have. i'm honest with most everyone, strangers included. i don't think i can be like that anymore.
maybe i just feel like this because i haven't been sleeping....
i graduate's like the best thing i have going on right now, not that it shouldn't be the best thing i have going on. it's pretty cool.