It has come to my attention that while people complain and rant about the shit in the world there is little to no discussion of how to solve any of these problems. So I'm breaking down some of the main issues that I think feminism is all about, pointing out why these issues still exist and are reinforced and possible solutions.
Feminist issues
Rape of any person and the lack of proper or any justice served to the perpetrators.
Domestic violence - same as above
Gendered stereotypes that promote aggression in men and inferiority in women
The lack of a woman's space in politics, media, positions of power or control in any field, religion, business, etc
Lack of male representation in fields such as childcare, assistant and therapy
Just to name a few...
I'm going to start with the gendered stereotypes because that tends to bleed into other issues as well. So with our modern society where intelligent people are able to find information and talk with one another with the click of a mouse, why are aggressive behaviors in boys and men so revered? I mean it's entirely unnecessary to have that kind of behavior unless you are constantly in a gorilla warfare. Well the answer lies in media and institutions that are still working with these historic ideals instead of progressing. Institutions like education, parenting, and media. Of course you can name a few more but I believe this is where it starts.
There are a few biological differences between boys and girls to be sure but as a kid you all are pretty much on the same playing field. Little boys and girls have lots of energy and the institutions tell us that boys must use aggression to expel that energy and girls should repress it.
I say why not have boys and girls play games and run around together without resorting to fake heavy machinery/ explosions/ etc for boys and media guides on how to be a mean girl for girls. For example soccer, or tag or countless outdoor games you can find on if any child gets violent or aggressive they should be delt with regardless of gender.
All schools should have a zero tolerance for bullying and both parents and schools alike could spare boys activities that require aggression.
As for the media... Practically all advertisement says boys like explosions and girls like pink. And they will say it's what their market wants but who are we kidding? Advertising companies put in millions every year to figure out how to manipulate their customers. You don't tell the companies what you want and especially for children they have a huge influence over what they want and who they are.
Solution for that? Well clearly we need to stop all the sexist marketing. How do we stop sexist, racist, and homophobic marketing "jests" strategies etc? A few ways... Publicly boycott the product and state the exact reason for the boycott. Become an advertiser and not advertise these messages of discrimination. Join others who also think this is a problem. Create awareness of the problem. I think that while raving and ranting about it has it's purpose I think it's making us look like our bark is stronger than our bite. It's time to stop complaining and to start doing things about these problems.
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