shake the sheets and make us move

Nov 07, 2004 02:06

Ted Leo / Pharmacists were awesome as always. it is impossible to explain but he stirs up this weird feeling inside of me that's like "yeah! fuck 'em!". i finally got a proper version of the new record on vinyl, so i can stop singing along with my made up gibberish.

no i dont want to fucking move to another country. yes dubya is dictator oops.. president for another four years but the elections were not a complete loss. Barak Obama won by a landslide and will be in the US Senate (lllinois)... the onlyAfrican-American. only 4 African-Americans (one female) have ever served as US senators. Carole Migden, an out lesbian who was elected to California's state senate. I took some comfort that again only 9% of Washington DC voted for dubya. curious to see how Hillary Clinton will do in 2008.

incase you didnt see the breakdown of popular votes county by county here ya go.

nothing suprising but sad just the same that people need a wake up call on their definitions of so called "moral issues" -- which the media translated into has been presenting those who voted for Bush were main concerned with. maybe i'm a looney but i happen to consider healthcare, or rather that it's not affordable to every American -- a fundamental moral issue. for clarification, MORAL by webster's definition is relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior. for fuck's sake i'd like to lump WAR into moral issues. killing civilians... and... what's this? humans! also the suicide rate for soldiers in Iraq is about 13.5 per 100,000 - sitting above the overall U.S. suicide rate last polled in 2001.
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