Mar 24, 2005 22:25
Well folky-folks the moment you have been waiting for has arrived:
It's time for the first ever Great Sarah Garrison Drinky-Drink Challenge Drink or Sink Drinking Competition!
Now, before you think about hauling me off to AA meetings or beating me senseless with copies of My Name is Bill let me explain. This competition isn't about who can drink the most vodka without passing out/dying, but rather who's up to the challenge of drinking sixty-four ounces of water everyday for sixty-four days. Think endurance as opposed to strength. But it's not that straight forward. Oh, no. Rules anyone?
Official Rules/Scoring of Drink or Sink Drinking Competition
The basic idea of this competition is to drink sixty-four ounces of water each day for sixty-four days. If you do so then good for you, you're on par with a mighty score of zero. (For those of you who are following the golf references all similarities end here)
If you don't reach the shiny goal of sixty-four ounces then your score for that day is negative one.
Scoring is cumulative, so if in the first week you only manage to drink the elusive 64 on four days you will have a score of -3 at the end of the week.
Now, I know what you're thinking... "But Sarah, what about positive integers and fractions??" No worries, my sad, befuddled contestant, you're in good hands.
As I hope you have figured out by now, this is a competition and those who go the extra mile shall be rewarded. There are two ways to achieve those bonus points you're craving:
1. At the end of each week you will receive half a point for every additional thirty-two ounces you consumed over the past week.
2. If you exercise three times in the week you receive one point with an additional point for each exercise session to five sessions.
Now that I've confused the bejeezus out of you, let's get to the rules.
1. The only liquid that counts is water. No Crystal Light, no diet coke, no flavoured water, no tonic water (obviously tonic+alcohol doesn't count either), no club soda (ditto). If you put anything in your water besides a slice of lime or lemon it is null and void
2. I'm not your nanny. I'm going to trust you to truthfully tally your scores and turn them into me on the appropriate day. Don't lie, folks. The burden of guilt will weigh heavily and the demon monkeys will come for your soul.
3. While the 64 oz is pretty darn specific, what constitutes an exercise session is not. The reason for this is that the people who participate in the contest will probably be at different levels of fitness, so it's not fair for me to say that you have to do an hour when you can only do thirty or really should be doing an hour and a half. Use your judgment as to what is a good work out for you. Once again, if you lie... demon monkeys.
4. The weekly points update will happen on Thirsty Thursdays, or as Dad put it: Thirstyday. Yes, I too was amazed by the actual usefulness of one of Dad's puns. I about died. Anyway, you have aaaaall day Thursday to contact me with your scores. You can leave a comment on the Lj (I'll be posting my own score on late Thursday here, so that with the time difference you should have a full 24 hours of postingness), you can email me, or you can instant message me on either Yahoo! or AIM. You can call me, but that seems kind of pointless unless you were going to call me in the first place. I'll tabulate the scores and probably post a leader board so you know what you have to do win. Oh, if you do leave a comment on the Lj make sure you either leave a signed comment or put your name somewhere in the comment. I'm not going to let anon win my competition!
Chances are you're still confused about what's going on, so let's get down to the nitty gritty. The best way to explain this is via example.
Water Log for SEG-Example(yes... I too can make HORRIBLE puns. Blame Dad)
Week 1
Thursday-80oz (exercise)
Saturday - 64oz
Monday - 64 oz (exercise)
Tuesday - 80 oz(exercise)
Wednesday - 32 oz
So, for each day that I reach 64 I get 0 points and for the days that I didn't reach goal I get -1. Since I had 5 days of 64 and 2 days of less than I have a score of -2 before calculating bonuses. Now I exercised three times so that's 1 and I have a cumulative water plussage of 64 oz so that's another 1. so -2+2=0. I'm still on par! weeeeeee!
Week 2
Thursday - 72oz (exercise)
V.v. good. Am obviously fantastic and amazing (most of you should catch the ref.) So this week I got to 64 every day so my score is 0 before bonus. Now, I got an additional 8oz each day so 8*7=56. Another 8oz shy of 64 so I only get .5 for extra water. Now I excercised everyday this week, but I can only receive a maximum of 3 points from exercise ( exercise 3 times and you get 1 point, 4 for 2 pts, 5 for 3). So my total bonus for this week is 3.5 plus my water score of zero plus my score from the week before of zero and two weeks into the competition and I've got a total score of 3.5. We just keep adding up until we get to the end of week 9 one day. If you're still confused I'll try explaining it to you.
So that's the challenge. There will be some sort of prize(s), of course, but remember I'm a college student with no income (i.e. I draw purdy pictures, can pick a mean e-card and totally rock at the certificate making). Really, you're either competing in this cause you like competition or because you want to do something good for yourself and this is as good a reason as any. That and I'll love you forever, even if I already love most of you.
So far the list of contestants is:
Nicole Dana
Dan Rubin
Maggie B.
You have until next Thirstyday (Thursday) to tell me that you want in. It's going to be a fun, easy competition open to all who wish to enter. Besides, you'll be regaled by my stories about how I do stupid things like drink 24oz of water in less than 20 minutes and then nearly get sick to my stomach. These are the kinds of things you'll tell your grandkids. Actually, these are the kinds of things you will tell my kids/grandkids/coworkers/friends in order to embarrass me. Cause.. you know... I don't embarrass myself enough on my own.
Additionally, I'm going to try to give you some photo's a la Middle Earth each Thursday to entice you to come back for more. Weak, I know, but it's all I got. Let me know if you want in so I can start busting out my awesome Microsoft Word table making skills!
In other news: I'm leaving for Wellington in t-minus five hours. We are once again leaving without hostel reservations, but at least this time we don't need to get a car. I'm taking my sleeping bag, I'm sure they've got benches. I'll be back on Tuesday just to finish organizing this loverly challenge. Stay in school kids.
/play exit music. roll credits.
EDIT: I changed some things up there *gestures in the general direction of the rest of the entry*