Jan 09, 2005 19:03
Been a long week, and a long weekend. But it's all good.
I think I found a house - much cheering!! Everyone cross their fingers that I've got it!! It's very important that I have cos it's a totally cool place. Huge (for a flat) and funky and heaps of potential and right next to centenial park etc etc.. very exciting. And it's bloody cheap. Saw this other place in Bondi right on the beach. And I mean RIGHT on the beach... you stuck you head out the window and you could see water, and the beach was across the road. The location much be worth a fortune, and the flat would be if it wasn't totally scode. We were seriously torn cos it was $270 a week for a two bedroom flat on the beach and that's just unheard of - for that location it should have been $400 at least. But the carpet was gross and orange, the cupboards (and kitchen) were all painted enamel black and yeah... they're trying to develop the building, so they don't want to do anything to it. It could be great, but yeah... it was too dodgy.. there were boxes, mattresses and pigeons, complete with nests and eggs, in the fire-escape. We almost said yes on the basis of the location, but in the end we couldn't argue with a flat twice the size that is really nice.
Here's Hoping!!!
Been to too many parties.. been drinking too much etc etc... need to sleep a bit more logically, get heaps more exercise, drink less (and less and less) and eat a bit better. etc etc.
Am at home all by my lonesome this evening :(
nah.. s'all good.. I'm sure I'll survive.