Apr 28, 2004 01:34
Okay, I know Stewart's job has been crazy hectic lately and he's worked like 57 hours in the last two days, but he was really an ass tonite. So were sitting here watching TV (this is after he came home and took a nap) and he starts to argue with me about the situation on the show (it was Everybody Loves Raymond from last night if anyone saw it). Anyway, it started out as a fun little bickering, but he soon became really pissy about it. I mean he paused the show and started really yelling at me! Luckily, I decided to be rational tonite and, rather than yelling back, I realized this was probably due to stress and I simply said I'm not going to argue with you about this. But he wouldn't quit! He kept yelling at me about it! So, I remain calm and simply answer "okay" rather than continuing to argue. It went a little something like this...
Me: Okay
Me: Okay
Then he has a little hissy fit, turns off the tv in a huff and stomps out of the room. Is he like 3 years old or what?
So he steamed and sulked and didn't talk to me for like an hour. Meanwhile I went on about my life without a care in the world. by the time dinner was done and his show came on he was all happy go lucky again. I swear men have some male form of PMS and it is so much worse than ours!
So, then he went to bed and I didn't have to be calm and rational anymore and I realized what a complete dillwad he had been and I started getting pissed. You know, if the roles had been reversed he would not have been calm and rational. He would have gotten pissy right back. I would have been accused of being bitchy and mood swingy and PMSy and everything else and I would have ended up feeling guilty and having to apologize for my behavior before everything would have been okay again. Damn men!!!!
Okay, I'm done bitching now. It's all out of my system.
In other news, I actually found myself with a free afternoon today! I had nothing to do and nowhere to be. The house was clean, dishes done, laundry caught up. It was too cold to work in the garden (yeah, what the hell is up with snow on April 27? Oh, sorry, I said the bitching was over. My bad.). So I went ad wandered around the mall. A cute little old man gave me a flower. Despite my hatred of pink I finally accepted that pink is the new black and tried on two pink shirts (this was mostly because I couldn't find anything to try on that wasn't pink). They weren't that bad, however the new style seems to be a neckline that is down to your bellybutton. Seriously, these shirts did not cover my bra and I was wearing a not so full coverage bra! Needless to say I didn't buy any shirts today. However, I did find an awesome black pleather jacket for $10! It like the Scully jacket from the movie only in pleather. Very cool.
Okay, I'm off to bed now. Maybe I'll kick Stewart a few times in my sleep. Perhaps if he wakes up with bruises it will make him stop being such an ass.