Dec 12, 2009 06:46
Christmas needs to get here now! lol yea the Gauntt's helath has not been going well lately. I had my wisdom teeth out on wednesday a dn found out teh hard way that im allergic to the penevillian which i soon after stopped takking. Now for some reason i woke up at 4 am this morning to throw up again. wft!? anywho then thursday my dad had another colonsocopy to have more polyps removed which was more invasive than the last time. Then my brother calls to says hes in the hosital thursday night at Jeanes but he left after 6 hours of no one coming out to see him. So he then went to Abington ER friday night and apparently hes "fine" according to the docs over there. He lost about 10lbs in a week, hes been dizzy, getting panic attacks again and his heart is acting up too. Now onto my mom. Yea its to the point where she actaully has to walk on all fours to get up the stairs sometimes. She has god days and bad days when it comes to her knees and legs.
I hate all this shit. Something good needs to!