I Hate Doctor Visits

Jun 22, 2005 15:56

So since my dad is going to be quitting his job pretty soon I've been franticly making doctors appointments. Well yesterday I had to go to Mansfield to visit the eye docotor to get a years worth of contacts, and then I had to go to the chiropracter to have him give me a shoe insert, adjust my back, and tell me what I need to do to keep my back and legs from getting worse. As it turns out my hips are off... well that means that since one hip is lower than the other one of my legs is longer than the other by 5mm, the reason for this is my scoliosis getting worse and my muscles manipulating my hips and pelvis. So now I have a lift in my left shoe to make my legs even and try to correct the problem, not only is it when I'm standing but also when I'm sitting... so I get to put a tv guide under my left ass cheak when sitting so that my hips are even when I'm sitting. I sure do hope that this works and we are able to get my back and hips to the way they're supposed to be so that I don't have to do this shit for the rest of my life.
On a better note things with matt and I are going good. He seems to really care about me and I know that my feelings are getting stronger for him :) I'm such a girl. He's just really sweet, granted everyone has their bad moments and people might say that it's early on in the realationship and everything may seem great but it wont be later on. I'm sorry but I'm not stupid I know that the further into a relationship you get the more you learn about the person and that when you get further into a relationship there are bound to be arguments. However, things are going well.. and I'm really happy that I found Matt and that we're together LOL! Let's just hope that things last.
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