hey kids, conform!! :D

Feb 14, 2004 21:13

A - Age: you'd never guess..
B - Band listening to right now: crass
C - Career in future: owning a vintage punk/indie/emo/ska/oi record/clothing store
D - Dad's name: Timothy
E - Easiest person to talk to: foltzy, kyle, tristan, my sissy nicole
F - Favourite song at the moment: the casualties- punk love OR breath in- amygdala
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: right before we went to the hospital, i got some gummy worms with sour sprinkly shit. i watched my grandmother die... she died right before my very eyes... all the while i was eating gummy worms.
I - Instruments: vocs, guitar for 6 years, drums for 2, bass for 5 years, piano since i was t3h babiez
J - Job title: vandal, thief [right tristan?]
K - Kids: are the best and worst people in the whole world.
L - Longest car ride ever: florida.. i went with tristan
M - Mom's name: Lynn
N - Number of siblings: 6
O - Oldest sibling: Abby is the oldest and smelliest sibling.
P - Phobia[s]: walking down steep stairs, getting my blood taken, being chased up stairs, falling down stairs, getting a divorce
Q - Quote you like: "i like to kick... stretch... and kick!!- sally o'mally
R - Reason to smile: his hair smells like heaven
S - Song you sang last: the distillers- i am revenant
T - Time you wake up: right when mom starts threataning me.. anywhere from 10am to 4 pm on weekends
U - Unknown fact about me: my middle name is french for faerie or pixie. my grandmas are all french...
V - Vegetable you hate: there is not ONE vegetable i hate.
W - Worst habit: being insecure and misunderstood, just like my tristan
X - X-rays you've had: teeth, skull, wrists, knees, ribs, tailbone, breastbone, hip
Y - Yummy food: "poppers" from arbys. it's like i need a pantyliner every time i take a bite!!
Z - Zodiac sign: leo...nardo... heh heh...
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