Jul 30, 2004 11:54
well i had an interesting time dancing up in the east coastal part of the country(wellNYC and vicinity) but my friends and i did day trip up to concord(mass.) to walden pond. it was an awful experience! it was so commercialized and there was a beach on the pond and everyone was thoreauing themselfs into the pond so 3 of us strippers decided not to go into the pond. although the pond is actually a lake! for real it was sooo terrible that it made 3 strippers cry(i mean have you ever seen 3 strippers crying because we were lied to as kids about a magical place alot of us wanted to go to......to have all that wondefulness crushed by consumerism and greedy money hungry pseudo-environmentalists?) so the pond is really a lake with a forrest around it we went to the site of the house and there was a pond there that is called wydman's meadow which we think henry david was actually writing about. it was pretty but would have been so much better if it had been left alone. its like red rock canyon. when i first moved to las vegas you could just go out to red rock hang out you could stay there for hours and never be bothered you could throw a party out there or just lay out there or whatever....you could randomly sit and picnic during the day. but then i guess the turned it into a state park and charged you 5 or 10(i can't remember which) dollars to get in and it closed at sunset that sucked. ok so anywho thats about it for my rant i just feel that henry david is rolling in his grave because of what they have done.