So chunky you can carve it

Jul 29, 2005 01:43

Psychic twins, born 3 days apart, separated by several miles and of different parentage.

We didnt meet til later in our teens, but before we spoke we kissed, of course, not in a sexual way, us both prefering men, well boys at that time(has anything changed?)..We would fall asleep talking about who we would be, cliched i know, but we would wake up holding hands...she was much cuter, smaller, than me, but i couldnt help that..her boyfriends and to a lesser extent mine, found our bond curious to say the least..i dont think we cared though. I dont think we really cared what anyone thought at all come to think of it...We grew alot together, both physically and mentally.

I tried to call her, from overseas, with an announcement and to apologise, but i got the answering machine.

I left a message, she never called back......i dont have the guts to call her can only try so many times.

I miss her sometimes, like tonight...
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