(no subject)

Mar 14, 2010 09:34

I have no excuses.

I don't know why I haven't updated in almost a month and a half.  I've had time.  But I guess I'm motivated now.

Not too much has happened.  The second trimester ended, and now I only have three classes: Civics, AP Econ, and TA.  Getting out at noon is a godsend.  I don't know what to do with all my free time.

I haven't heard back from McGill yet, but I sent in my second trimester grades on Friday, so hopefully it'll be soon.  People have started getting accepted at places, and I feel left out of the fun, although Berkeley decisions come out in less than two weeks, so that will probably be exciting.

Most of all, I miss yarncollecter .  But she'll be home in just a couple of months from her grand adventure, and we will reunite and go to A's games and eat twelve thousand pounds of garlic fries, and it'll be just like old times.

I got a nasty cold this weekend and I was supposed to drive to Oakland today to watch movies with this guy I met.  I felt really bad for backing out, but I just don't feel like it.  Meh.

I have no excuse for not updating allllll the time, so you'll probably begin hearing a lot more regularly about my boring life.  The end.
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