29 it's official!!

Oct 10, 2006 23:46

Sunday was my birthday! I really don't like the idea of being 29! One more year and I will be thirty! I always thought my life would be different at this age! Well, life doesn't end up like you always imagined!! But I can say that I don't regret any of my decisions in my life! I have 2 beautiful kids and a loving husband. i have a job i really like! (ok, it can be stressful, but its still nice) Life is pretty good I guess! I just need more money...since we have only one income coming in right now! Which I am also missing being away from my family, since I am working Monday,Thursday,and Friday for 7 hours each and then Weekends for 12 hour shifts each day. I am tired but its nice to know that I am providing for my family and they are depending on me!!

Well, 29 here I am!!!
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