Tips for the Summer by Sabrina Vera.
- Do not lay out on a boat for 8 hours. You will get burned.
- Do not think you are gonna lay on your ass and still get everything.
- Do not try to ride your bike to Romey's house.
- Do work at Target.
- Do attend only one week of SAT classes.
- Do not expect happy reunions when you see your pals, it's all the same.
- Do miss them terribly when you're away from them, though.
- Do not walk from Parkdale to the Mandarin Garden.
- Do not dance half-naked on your trampoline when ugly Mexicans are working on the HEB behind you.
- Do rave dance as much as possible.
- Do not become anything like your evil mother/ father.
- Do make your own money.
- Do not have 5:30am spur of the moment unprotected sex.
- Do watch the Spurs lose in the playoffs.
- Do not stay up until 5:00am and still think you're gonna wake up at 10:00am.
- Do talk on the phone with someone you miss and love in a corky way atleast 3 hours a day.
- Do listen to crazy Mexican rap.
- Do not owe $510.25 on your public library card.
- Do not go pee on an island where you only think no one is watching.
- Lastly, do not be stupid, but be stupid, sabes?
What was I trying to accomplish here?