here are what keep me sane in my house of doom...
this is the cichkid tank with 2 blood parrot cichlids, 2 yellow labs, 2 icy blue albino cichlids (i have no idea what species they are), 2 auratus, a blue botia and a featherfin catfish. (the last two only come out at night)
here's the second tank with the following fish:
- 8 angelfish = 4 platinums, 2 marbles and 2 black veil fins
- 3 swordtails
- 1 crowntail betta
- 2 platys
- 10 corydoras = 4 peppers, 2 albinos, 1 sterbai cory, 1 bronze, 1 long fin bronze and 1 panda
- 5 fancy guppies
- 2 khuli loaches
- 1 albino bristlenose catfish
here's my betta.. he's really pretty but it's hard to get a good shot of him.
yun lang,