Первое задание я провафлила. Надо было создать персонажа, у которого было бы конкретное желание. В задании было написано «персонаж должен чего-то хотеть (физический объект)», а я прочитала «персонаж (физический объект) должен чего-то хотеть». Поэтому вот. Зато вторая часть задания была использовать по крайней мере шесть слов из списка в каждом втором предложении, я использовала больше (trick, memory, aboard, tiger, pretend, carrot, appliance, cage, rings, crow, filthy, explode). Ну и каждое второе предложение должно служить развитию сюжета, тут я не уверена, как получилось. Итак, история про
On that sunny morning, the mixer did a good job: crêpes came out perfectly thin and absolutely delicious.
While miss Escala was cleaning, the mixer was standing at a windowsill bathing in warm memories about all the weekend breakfasts and birthday cakes it helped to prepare. It was an old mixer, and years of service bestowed upon it not only sweet memories but also a peculiarly trembling voice, which was the mixer’s big concern, and it would give everything to get rid of this trembling.
The mixer was so immersed in its thoughts that it didn’t notice that miss Escala had already left, but its dreams were interrupted by other appliances coming to life.
“What a lovely day!” - murmured a teapot standing next to the mixer.
“Beautiful!“, the mixer looked at its neighbor, and that was when it noticed something: miss Escala had forgotten her golden rings on the windowsill.
“Those things”, the mixer thought, “ must be very important for her, she has never forgotten them before”.
While it was thinking this, a shadow appeared over its head, and a second later a black crow landed on the windowsill.
“Tack-trrr-tack, what is so shiny here?”
The mixer pretended it didn’t hear.
“Tack-tack-trrr-tack, this will be a perfect decoration for my nest!”, the crow continued, getting closer to the rings. The mixer couldn’t let this happen, and with all its strength it jumped towards the crow shouting “These don’t belong to you, filthy bird!”.
The jump was too big. The mixer thought the world exploded when it fell on the floor with a loud “Bang!” scaring the crow away. Miss Escala appeared in the kitchen ten seconds later, returned the faithful mixer to its place with a very concerned face, and turned it on.
“At least, my trick worked” - said the mixer and stopped abruptly. Its voice was young again, with no trace of trembling!
“Sweet carrot! It was worth falling for!” The mixer could not be happier. So many cakes were waiting for it, and it was ready to serve for many years ahead.