soon this will end, maybe i'll make it into a book someday

Aug 07, 2008 23:48

what to do?

first off grab the rest of that cinnamon schnapps and make it back here to answer that question in a sec.

oh alchool, how silly of a drug it really is, silly in the sense that it'll will give way to your inhibitions but in a way that releases you from mannerisms, leaving you with a stunted form of transcended honesty, such a silly drug, unfortuently as so many pine for it to do, it does not relieve you from your problems, and so i am left with a what to do?

or more of a what i'll do, let me explain

i'm at my folks, i am here under the presupposition that i am to earn up cash, why? in my folks mind to become a part of society, and since i'm a part of their collection they can not easily toss aside they're trying to straighten me up in the way that's most acceptable, what can i say, i am a blemish on their sqeeky clean style, unfotunently no one told them that's there's no such thing as 'like new' and what they invest so much effort is a bum deal

that's what this was a bum deal, i knew it, i told my ma, she knew it, so i rejected knowing it to make her feel better, what a bum decision

last night brandon and me spoke of hitting the country, it's still has yet to be discarded, i got three days before my dad goes out of town on business, tommorrow i believe i will wake up, humor him and shave and get dressed and pressed and make my way out under the pretense of jobhunting, more than likely i will make my way to ihop and smoke half a pack, the weekend i have no clue, i should probably utilize it as a way to get the things i wished to accomplish while in the area done with, such as hang with alex and visit my ol friend jack, he has a kid on the way, it should be a joyous occassion

sometime over the weekend i'll 'profess' how i feel it's useless to attempt to find work in arlington within walking distance, and how i believe in dallas
monday i should hoepfully make my way to the cavern and see chrispy and tony and request help, all i need is under a thousand bucks, then i'll be good

but what if... what if all else fails, what to do, it ain't impossible but it aint easy, i guess i ask should i make my way across the land, lord knows i've been trying at music for so long but what if i find my problems with it extend past the ft. worth, should i find a new line of life? it's hard to ditch a priority, but i've been finding more and more that it can be really worth it, and there will always be other arts, after all art is jsut language, i can't imagine i'll ever stop talking, maybe the venue could use the change

i can't live life in these confines, these walls that were constructed mearly for 'what should', should? should is a rediculous word, it is a word that annuls any sense of being, and replaces it with duty, for who's benefit, the few that reap off the social structure, and if i'm come this far i can not, no i will not turn bow my head to the idea of 'this is what is', what is has nothing to do with it, it is jsut the suffix that masks the lie of 'this is', and perverts any form of life outside it

anyways.. i could go on for hours, lord knows i have enough material to keep me going on for so long, i won't, i'll rest my head soon, maybe that's all i came here to say, man what a bum opportunity, or even more explanitory, man my folks really aren't worth much to me, it's a hard lesson to learn, y'know but told what i should feel, but i don't, no i won't

goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the nightmares bite, they're only fabrications, and one's of your own doing to boot
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