mrl24 Interview:
1. What is your favorite mythological G-d and/or pantheon and why?
What a surprisingly relevant question. I am very interested in mythology. When I was younger I was thinking about becoming a Joseph Campbell-like professor. I would have to say my favorite pantheon would be the Norse one. I enjoy it for a number of reasons. Mainly, I like the stories. They are simple yet interwoven with the history of their tellers. The humor and excitement in them were enough to entertain me as a child. I also appreciate them because they are more esoteric than the "Classical" myths. Everyone knows Zeus but fewer know Odin. Yet the pantheon is not so esoteric that it is hard to pin down the gods. I like the Aztec, Celtic and Polynesian gods too but you just can't keep 'em straight. Besides that I can see the roots of many of the books I enjoy in the myths like Lord of the Rings as well as being a major force in Medieval Literature and therefore most Literature. Plus its the only Pantheon to have a Marvel counterpart.
2. Where did your first great musical influence come from?
That is a good question. The earliest band I remember listening to was Trout Fishing in America a two-man folk group that played a lot of "children's" music. I don't care for the term "children's" music because it seems to undercut the music and I think songs should be judge by merit and not genre. I don't think they introduced me to all that much but I liked them. Anyway aside from that my mother used to play music as she cleaned on Saturday. She played Billy Joel, Van Morison, The Beach Boys, the Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Eric Clapton, the Who, and the like. That impacted me greatly. "Weird Al" Yankovic was also important to me when I was younger and didn't find current music appealing. He basically made me realize that it was top ten radio that was bad. And even though he is a "comedy" music act, another term that I don't like, he is a great musician and songwriter. So those three factors basically started me in the world of music.
3. You strike me as a person who thinks things through before speaking your mind (a rare thing these days) - do you attribute this to someone or something in your life?
Hmmm. Well I am not sure I agree one hundred percent. I tend to do some really stupid things or say them. But I do agree mostly. I like to think. I always have. My parents encouraged intelligence. In fact that is the only thing they ever made me do. I never had to play sports or be a cub scouts and when I decided to do those things they always insisted that my education was most important. My parents instilled this idea that intelligence is vital to life. I think that's why I think and I think that's why I think before talking.
4. How did you come to know
jafosmite and
The first time I saw Joe I had gone to see Paul perform in the Baby Grand where he was taking lessons from Chris Gordon. Joe was playing back up for a number of people. I happened to be in between piano teachers at the time and I remarked that he looked like a pretty cool teacher. The week after I was going to Australia so I didn't think about it but when I got back my mom informed me that I would be starting lessons the next Tuesday and I have been bothering him ever since. Now Joe introduced me to Jill by asking me to do stage crew for Little shop of Horrors. I had seen her before as Mary in JCSS that Joe played at and I believe I attended Knappachino's before I met her. Now Joe could not take me home one night and as it turns out Jill lived quite closer to me than Joe did. So she drove me home one night. We, if memory serves me, had a discussion about villainous attributes and how if I were gay I would go for a guy like Gene Shalit. And for some reason she continued to talk to me.
5. If your best friend won one of the larger powerballs (at least 8 figures) how would you react?(outside of the obvious "I'd be happy for them!")
I don't know if I would be happy for them at all. I suppose I would. But I can't really respond to that truthfully because I have no idea. I think I would be very excited because I could enjoy the perks of having such a friend. I don't think it would change my relationship with them because my friends, my really good friends, are very down to earth and sweet people. I could think of no better hands for money to than my very good friend Ed. I am going to use him because our relationship is most like what this question seems to be looking for. I can think of now one better to have that money. He would keep what he needs and give the rest away, I am sure. But the money he keeps, he would spend creatively. He wouldn't invest it in boring stupid things or soulless corporations. That's not to say he would waste it but I trust in the levelness of his, indeed of all my friends, heads. So I suppose I would be very glad that he receives the money over some one else. Though I could be completely wrong about how the people I love would react to such a change and in fact I could end up hating them very much with the very despicable contempt that I hold for the Paris Hiltons of the world.
Well thats it. Now as I understand it I have to interview someone else. So ask me.